February 3, 2009

No you don't rule, get over yourself.

It is one thing to have self love and another thing to really think "I'm the baddest motherfucker alive!"

When it comes down to it, guys like this are full of hot air...most of the time. I've yet to be proven wrong anyway.

Totally boring, no substance, can't keep a conversation going, bad kissers and even lacking in bed.

It blows my mind.

Where does someone get off REALLY thinking "I rule"?

I'm attracted to guys like this because I like someone that has good self esteem, a positive outlook on life, has great conversation skills, is outgoing, funny and friendly.

Well, I'm been know to completely misinterpret an egotistical know-it-all boring jerk for the above truly "awesome guy".

The same guy often is a music elitist. Completely closed minded and unable to accept that his favorite bands weren't "the original" to create a certain music genre/style. Won't even listen to CDs your burn for him. And will skip 15 songs on my iPod only to stop on one of his own songs. Oh please, get over yourself.

Then there is the talking up about sex acts. And always talking about it. Too much. To the point that it is insulting. As if I'm just a hole to fuck and have no feelings. When this happens I start to think the guy has too much testosterone and not enough brains and heart. And not someone I want to have a real relationship with.

Often times, this kinda guy can't even "perform" up to his own talked up standards when the lights go out. Or it lasts all of minutes if not seconds. Yawn. I could have more fun alone, and would prefer to.

Same kinda guy is often name dropping. You aren't who you know. When it comes down to it, that's so unimportant and tacky. So what, I know and have met a lot of people that may be considered celebrities in some circles. When it is just you and I, your list of who-you-know is going to get boring fast. I want to hear about the real you.

Then there is the guy that just thinks he is Mr. Awesome and can't figure out why I'm not calling him every day to hang out. But I can't figure out where he got this idea. When we hung out, all we do is watch tv at his house while he works on getting me naked. But when we hang out outside in the real world he seems completely bored to be with me. Ouch. Here's a hint, good conversation is a turn-on NOT shitty cable tv shows.

And who wants to date a guy that likes himself more than he likes you? He's usually got a couple girls on the back burner. And even after you are officially together for months you'll find him STILL chatting with girls online asking them for n00ds. Tacky.

I've met and dated far too many guys that are all talk. If you are going to talk your self up, live up to it. Otherwise, just be yourself and people will find out on their own.

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