December 31, 2008

Frighteningly Independent

Here it is, creeping up on five hours away from 2009 and I'm alone. And when it strikes midnight I'll still be. The thing is, that's fine with me. If I can't be with the one I want to be with I'd rather not be with anyone.

This same independence I'm so comfortable with is the one that scares of possible suitors.

Most people have a need to be needed. And I rarely need anyone that badly besides myself that I want someone around all the time.

I can see how that might make someone feel insignificant. And turn them away from pursuing me beyond the bed.

The truth is, sometimes I'm tired of being alone and more and more lately I seem to find the need to have someone in my life again. For the long run.

Maybe 2009 will be the year for love and trust again.

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