December 14, 2008

I'd Like You to Meet my Fiancé

So it happened again. Douche bags never cease to amaze me.

I had been talking with a guy online for months. He seemed like a pretty genuine person too. He even offered to come stay with me to help me out with home repairs when he found out I was having financial problems.

At first I hadn't actually thought he was making advances at me.

Then we met in person completely by chance, at an event where we had mutual friends. Seemed like fate.

All evening we talked on and off and the flirting was much more obvious. He was getting progressively more intoxicated which only added to it. As well as making his true intentions clearer.

At one point he stood very close to me and declared that it was obvious we should be together and, "What are we going to do about it?"

He wouldn't stop talking about it so I leaned over and kissed him on the check. That sure shut him up....haha

Then a bit later he sat down next to me at my table and had a very serious look on his face and said he had to talk to me.

Then the truth all came pouring out. "I have been with this girl for years and we are now engaged. I realized 6 YEARS in that we were never going to work out."

Then he went into a story about how his father had pulled him aside and realized the same this. As if that made hitting on my OK.

At this point he is quite drunk. The girl that he came there with comes over to the table to get him to leave and he says, "Oh BTW, I'd like you to meet my fiancé."

She literally picks him up and they stumble out. My mind was blown. And we've hardly spoken since. I'm not honestly sure he even remembers what all happened that night.

Why are engaged men so attracted to me?

What I wouldn't do to me someone's only instead.

I'd rather not be a test of others' relationships.

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